AppDynamics strongly recommends that you follow these guidelines, Instrument JVMs in a Dynamic Environment when monitoring container-based applications.Container Monitoring is not supported on Docker for Windows, or Docker for Mac.AppDynamics recommends that you use Docker CE/EE 17.03 or Docker Engine 1.13 with this product. Some data might be missing if you use previous versions of Docker.Additionally, if any of the containers have an APM Agent installed ( ), then the Machine Agent also correlates the container metadata and runtime metrics with the associated APM Node.

The Machine Agent collects hardware metrics for each monitored container, as well as Machine and Server metrics for the host ( ), and forwards the metrics to the Controller.
This diagram illustrates how to deploy container monitoring: You can make these links read-only because the AppDynamics Agent does not need write privileges to these directories. To grant more restrictive permissions, enter this command to create symbolic links: ln -s /proc /hostroot/proc ln -s /sys /hostroot/sys ln -s /etc /hostroot/etc. When you deploy a Machine Agent inside a Docker container for monitoring, the symbolic link is automatically created when the volume mounts. To deploy a Machine Agent on a host outside a Docker container, create a symbolic link: ln -s / /hostroot on the host. This symbolic link enables the Machine Agent to collect host metrics with Docker container metrics. You can change this by setting the property on the Controller. See Controller Settings for Server Visibility.

When using Docker Visibility, if the unique host ID setting is not configured to use container ID in host network mode, the Machine Agent automatically registers the container using the container ID as the host ID. If you have an older version of the Controller or Machine Agent, AppDynamics recommends that you upgrade to Machine Agent version 20.7 or later. In this case you need to use the unique host ID settings. See Register the Container ID as the Host ID. This means every container on that node has the same host ID. If networking is in host mode, then the containers take on the node name of the host ID. In a BRIDGE networking mode, the containers take on the container ID as the host name. The Controller shows all monitored containers, for each host, and the container and host IDs, for each container.

The Machine Agent collects metrics for Docker containers on the same host, and server and machine metrics for the host itself. You should deploy the Machine Agent inside a Docker container. Container monitoring requires a Server Visibility license >=4.3.3, for both the Controller and the Machine Agent.